Here an excerpt taken from the notes which is so, SO True!!!!!!
•NT-Factor, antioxidants, high-absorption minerals, and Co Q-10 together can make a huge difference in energy and stamina (per Drs Nicolson and Burrascano)
Speaking from my own experience these supplements take away fatigue. I tried Co-Q10 by itself with not much improvement 3 years ago but about a year and a half ago I added in ACES+Zinc by Carlson labs and NuMedica's Mineralplex and that very month I no longer got tired in the afternoon. Seriously, try this if you are tired all the time. I am pretty sure it will work for you. I had to hire a part-time nanny to care for my children because I was so exhausted all the time. When she came, I would sleep. I didn't know I had lyme but I knew something was terribly wrong with my body.
Anyway, I felt so excited when I read this from the leading lyme doctor in our country. I am looking forward to his updated Lyme Treatment Protocols as the last one was published in 2008. In it he spoke of NT-Factor for energy but hadn't yet talked about the antioxidants and absorbable minerals. I haven't yet tried NT-Factor although I am quite interested. I am moving to Australia right now so I am not sure about getting that supplement over there. Right now I am doing well with the other supplements but it wouldn't hurt to add in the NT-factor when I can.
I decided to take the ACES+Zinc supplement because my Metemetrix Individual Optamized Nutrition test showed that I had very low vitamin A, carotene and I had high lipid peroxides which indicates that your body has low selenium. ACES+Zinc stands for vitamins (A), (C), and (E);(S)elenium, and Zinc. I also had low minerals across the board in every mineral catagory. So I added both these supplements because of the testing. My testing confirms what Dr. Burrascano has found as well - that Lyme patients are low in both minerals and antioxidants.