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Friday, August 17, 2012

Symptoms Lately

Well the past 5 days I have been really tired.  It is 8:30 at night and all I want to do is sleep.  I am just really tired.  It has been a long time since I have had fatigue and that is what I am feeling right now.  I also had back of the leg pain for the first time which indicates to me a magnesium deficiency.  So I am doubling my dose on that.  I hope this fatigue doesn't last long -

Symptoms lately -
Numb Toes
Sciatic Pain
Ear Ache & Pain - random
Congestion (Nose - this has been ongoing and has lightened up but I still have it)

Well, too tired to write anymore.  Still doing Level 3 of Buhner herbs right now plus the HH2. 


  1. So just 4 days later my symptoms are:

    Muscle Tiredness/Soreness
    Random Stabbing Pains
    Random Ear Aches
    Random Eye Lid Twitching

  2. And now I am just plain TIRED today!!!
