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Monday, August 15, 2011

Reading, reading, reading

Reading and studying is theraputic for me. Armed with information, I set out with new hope to conquer ill-health in my body. Now I know I have Lyme, it makes it a little easier to know what to do, well ALOT easier other than the fact that half of the stuff I have already done. But that's a good thing, I've done all the nutritional support to get myself to a functioning level (not knowing I had Lyme) and now I need to add the bug fighting part. I see a naturopathic doctor who treats with antibiotics as well as herbs and supplements. She is also Australian which is a good thing because we are moving to Australia next year. Currently I have read, Insights into Lyme Disease Treatment, The Lyme Diet, Healing Lyme and I am now beginning The Lyme Disease Solution. I have The Gerson Therapy to go which is a chronic disease/cancer juicing diet book that I found interest in while perusing the internet for juicing books as well as later happened to be talking to a friend who recommended juicing and mention Gerson. Coincindence. Maybe. Or maybe a still small voice leading me gently. My doctor wants me to take liposomal glutathione, Multi Immune Transfer Factor and Smilax the first week. Then add Teasel and Lyme Support Formula (cat's claw, astralagus, andrographis and ???) the second week and then follow it up with a Dr. Zhang HH2 conconction which is some sort of herb to deal with the bartonella co-infection that I have all the symptoms for along with the Borrellia (Lyme) infection. I will get the test results back in a week or so. I want to know what the results are but I haven't really gone into her protocol yet. I have only added the Transfer Factor Multi-Immune into my routine. Reason being, is that I have had strong reactions to supplements in the past, notably liposomal glutathione (irritability) and progesterone cream (extreme fatigue and lack of motivation), so I have developed a personal philosophy to only add 1 thing at a time and feel the effects of it. But I have changed my diet - I am driving fresh squeezed lime water to alkalize my body (as my ph is 6.0), I am juicing with carrots, apples, lettuce, cilantro and parsley. I just started a protein shake today. It is hard to find balance with all the things that I need to do to bring it all together. Right now I am working that out but it is something like:

3 freshly juiced drinks with small meal/snack a day (with any antibiotics or herbals)3 protein drinks a snack/day (with detox remedies - bentonite, etc)Vitamins/at bedtime
I don't know if I can do all those meals. It will be like 7 meals so we shall see. Just really small!
But I have to say. Now I know what I am fighting. I don't struggling with temptations to indulge in bad food like I used to. My head now know what I am fighting and I am in the game to beat this thing and lose...100 pounds!

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