Green Background

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So herx and no antibiotics...

Ola! So far no herxes (well, two nights in I had a mega headache and nausea but I think it was the caprylic acid & oregano oil capsules that I added into my lyme mix). The lyme mix is:

5 drops liposomal glutathione first thing in the morning
1 dropperful of smilax 2x/day
5 drops of fresh teasel tincture 3x/day
10 drops of lyme support 3x/day (astralagus, cat's claw, andrographis)
1 capsule of Dr. Zhang's HH2 formula 3x/day

Reactions so far. Been doing great. One thing I have notice (and again I am not sure if it is due to these herbs, to the 5 mcg t3, or to the L-Carnitine) but I feel like I am not agitated anymore. As in, when I sit down, I can hang out with my kids, rather than feel the need to get up to do something. I am content to linger just a bit longer - and it feels really good. The problem with starting these things all at the same time is that I really don't know what to attribute it to.

My naturopath's office is usually incredible about getting me everything I need but I am waiting on a supply of artemesia. I am to start that and see what my reaction is to that in order for my doctor to be able to see how strong I might react to the antibiotics. So far so good. Curious to see about the artemsia. I want to start the antibiotics in a week (Sept 1st was my goal) so I am hoping it gets here soon. Maybe it got lost in the mail. Overall, I am extremely pleased with my naturopath, she is reasonable, smart, efficient and on top of technology and goes to the latest conferences PLUS she is from Australia and although she practices in the states, she conducts bi-annual clinics in Oz. Maybe this is God tying all these loose ends together. Letting me trust him.

Side note. I am low in Immunoglobulin Subclass 2. One of my doctors who I no longer see because she charges $500/hr ordered these tests but never interpreted them for me. It is my understanding that transfer factor and bovine colostrum could possibly build up these immunoglobulin subclasses. Still looking into that. My naturopath has me on Researched Nutritonals Transfer Factor Multi-Immune but when I am done with the bottle I am going to switch to a different kind or brand because it has beta-glucan which is a yeast derivative as well as mushrooms which through testing I know my body does not like (I have an IgG response to both yeast and mushrooms).

That's it for now :-)

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