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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2nd Fourth Week of Treatment

I haven't been writing alot because I have been recording most of my thoughts in my daily journal. I got particularly stressed this past week about a friend situation in which a friend asked me to do a favor and I said, "Yes, what is it" and it ended up she was asking me to be on a fundraising committee which she knows I don't particularly care for in the first place. Because I had already said yes to the favor without knowing what it was I felt obligated. My husband came home and really discouraged me from doing it, because I am being treated for lyme and it is bringing on symptoms and also because we will be moving internationally in a few months and I have to begin preparing for that. I ended up e-mailing my friend and letting her know that I wasn't going to be able to do the committee after all. So I have had anxiety over that for the past week just about. It doesn't help that I am moving into the my 2nd fourth week of treatment (week 8 total) and that I am feeling anxiety and depression from that. It seems I had heightened feelings of worry, anxiety, fear, panic the last fourth week so I am just trying to ride this out. I think it is playing with my emotions and making me excessively worried about situations that would cause much less worry if I wasn't being treated right now. But I think anxiety during the 4th week is my "herxheimer" reaction because it seems to be quite specific. Time will tell! I haven't had this type of anxiety for a long time for those of you who might have read how I had successfully treated it in the past. It is like a feeling of whirring in your stomach, almost adrenaline like, but layered with fear. I have only had that feeling when I seem to get sick every year in May - which now I am coming to think it is the Lyme acting up then (that is the month when I first got sick 3 and 1/2 years ago). Right now, I am giving myself more of the sprays that I take to help off-set the heightened anxiety that I feel with the antibiotics. I have to say though, I don't feel the anxiety often, just mostly the fourth week which I am taking right now as a good sign that the antibiotics are killing off some bugs. I have found myself wanting to be creative with dinners again and cook meals for my family. Not that I didn't make dinner, but I would always just make very simple dinners, no recipes. Basically, buy hamburgers and throw them on the grill type of dinner. Since antibiotics, I have tried new pot roast recipes, made pumpkin muffins a couple of times and I think a few other new things. So it is not all bad, just occasionally which is to be expected.

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