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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Well, my son had a croupy cough and then my daughter got it really bad. She had barking coughs throughout the night and "stridor" which is very loud throaty breathing that just sounds painful. I don't have any croup like coughing but yesterday at about noon I felt stomach pain and then was so tired I fell asleep and took a nap on the couch for 2 hours. I had been up in the middle of the night the past 2 nights with my daughter who had the croup so it was much needed rest. Good thing I woke up because I had to go pick up my kids from school! When I woke up I had terrible pain throughout the flanks on my back which I assume are my kidneys based on what I know from being at the doctor. After picking up my kids, I went and layed down on my bed for a few hours until I needed to make dinner. My back felt a little better. Today my right side still hurts which I am assuming is liver pain as there is tenderness there. I did a coffee enema to help my body detox as well as took a baking soda, aloe vera and epsom salt bath. Beside that, my nose is running, I am sneezing alot and I just feel pretty weak as in I am moving much more slowly and have to take breaks alot between trying to keep a handle on the messes that four children make when their mother is too weak to get after them to clean up. If the pain worsens or doesn't go away, I will go into urgent care to make sure nothing more serious is happening but I think things are slowly on the upswing rather than the down.

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