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Friday, December 9, 2011

I'm Still Here

We have been in the process of moving and after much blood, sweat and tears as well as dropping my Lyme protocol for 2 weeks we are in Hawaii for a couple weeks before we head to Australia where we will live for a year. Life still went on and Murphy's Law is still in effect as so many things happened that never happen right up until yesterday when we arrived here in Hawaii. My car broke down the day before we were to sell it so we had to get it fixed. We sold 4 hours before we got on the plane. I know this has nothing to do with Lyme. I have a piece of glass in my foot that I need to go to Urgent Care to get out (it is a tiny, tiny piece) but I am way too tired to do anything but sit around and be lazy. Did I mention we have four kids under ten years old? Yeah, that makes everything a ton more challenging. How about 12 50lb suit cases plus 6 carry on bags and 6 personal items. Did I mention I went to the Texas DMV office 6 times before I got a new license and on the day that I was driving to get a new license (my old one had expired during when I was passed out sick for two weeks) that I got a ticket for an expired license and for crossing double white lines? What the heck? So I got my new license after taking a written test and taking the driving test which I barely past. The day before we left for Hawaii with all our stuff I went to court to pay the ticet $384. Nice. At least they didn't suspend my license because it was expired. Oh the joys of having Lyme Disease. So, we are here. Surrounded by the ocean. Literally. We are in a condo in Kona right on the ocean and went to bed (mind you at 5am my time...hello!) to the sound of the crashing waves. The kids stayed up late looking out the windows at the waves crashing over the black rocks. Needless to say. I am wiped. Yeah - did I mention that I cleaned our apartment for 12 hours straight and we arrived to our hotel at 2am in the morning with kids in tow the night before we were to fly out. It has all been crazy. And when we got to the airport my husband realized he had left all our passports in a file cabinet in our storage unit. He called a friend who is going to go dig through our unit (the cabinet is four feet back) and mail us the passports because it would be $1000 to replace them all in the next two weeks. Okay. I did say I was wiped. My feet especially are sore. I wish their was a word that could express perfectly just how sore and in pain they are. I just wish they would feel better. My right hand, with which I scrubbed the oven, the bathtubs, the floors, all the cabinets, inside and out, the refrigerator, the freezer...and...oh, I don't know...the hand is really sore! Like arthritic. My whole body on the flight felt like I had rigor mortis and like it was all seizing up. Never has a flight been such torture. I just wanted to move and stretch out because I was cramping up all over. My husband had a back injury a few weeks back when he was moving our stuff into the storage unit and had some muscle relaxers so I took 1 last night and then 2 melatonin and I feel like a bit of a zombie today. It is a combination of everything. I will resume my lyme protocol soon, but I just need to get my sleep first before I go into killing the Lyme. We are here on vacation and once I start taking the stuff, I assume I will get some herxeimers again that won't be fun. Good thing their is cable here because I will be on the couch getting my fill once I start feeling nautious. Okay if you have kept up with this post and read all the way through my ramblings then I will fill you in on a little something unless for failure of memory, I already have and have forgotten about it. And it is...I don't have any yeast issues anymore! No, not just because I haven't been consistant with my antibiotics but long before that I added in the Soloray Kidney Blend because I was getting alot of bladder pain with the yeast (especially when I took Nystatin). Well after being on that (2 capsules per night before bed) I haven't had any yeast issues. What a blessing. I am too tired to spell check and correct grammer right now but maybe I will later :-) Aloha!

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