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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Few Steps in the Right Direction

So I just wanted to add a couple of steps forward in the right direction.  It has been almost 3 months of using antibiotics so far.  I did about 7+ months of Buhner herbals last year and before that I did 3 months of antibiotics.  Throughout the time, other than the last few months, I have taken a daily regimen of ALOT of vitamins.  Since starting the antibiotics up again, I have been pretty bad (only taking vitamins a few days a month!)  Despite that, I have seen improvements from the antibiotics that I hadn't seen in the first 3 months of taking antibiotics for the first time as well as the herbals.  Those improvements are...I am no longer feeling as constipated all the time and my stools are forming properly...yucky to say but it makes a big difference because it signals how digestion is doing.  They are now softer, brown rather than yellower and floating in the toilet with oil residue.  Okay.  Gross.  Gross overload.  But I think it is making a big difference.  It shows I am digesting my food properly now which is a BIG deal.  Also,  things that have improved are 'headaches' behind the eyes.  I really don't get them. OH!  I knew there was another big deal.  Blurred vision.  I had this nearly 50% of the month.  Each night, as I would put my kids to bed, I would try to read them a story.  Half the time I couldn't read them a story because my vision blurred at night.  Not my general vision - I could see fine - but my reading vision - the black words would all blur together - was shot 50% of the time.  Now, every night I have been able to read to the kids.  I have had this blurred vision stuff going on for years since Lyme so this is a big improvement for me.  This month I have added in some workout videos (Tracy Anderson) a few times a week to work on strength training using your body as resistance so no equipment is required.  In the past, working out has sent me into a major, MAJOR herx that lasted weeks.  It happens about 3 weeks into exercising.  Thus far, I have done the DVD workout 3x and am at the one week point.  I am big time hoping that I don't have a major herx and can continue working out.  We shall see.  Anyways.  That's the news to this point.

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