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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Humaworm - Started It

Okay.  I started Humaworm a couple of days ago.  This morning.  I decided to investigate the stool in the toilet.  OMG.  Okay.  There were black poppy seed size things dotting the stool and when I poked at the stool with a long metal skewer to break it up, the black poppy seed things, rose to the top of the toilet bowl and I could see they had a translucent flagella on EVERY single one of them.  Definately a creature and NOT a food.  I also found a flattened kidney bean shaped thing which I pulled apart and figured just must be some food I ate. It was a different color than the rest of the stool.  Like a dark red.  Now I am looking up varioius types of things on the internet and I realize it is a LIVER FLUKE.  AACCCKKK>  This is gross!  The thing is, I have been taking tinidazole for 6 months now and this stuff is still alive in me and the humaworm is getting it out.  Tinidazole treats some parasitic infections. I can't figure what the black poppy seed things are but they look to be a 'flagella trophozite".  There were 25 of them floating around in there and I hadn't even broken apart the rest of the stool.  So super gross.

A few months into treating with the tinidazole, my stools normalized.  Before the tinidazole, they were often light yellow and floating in the toilet.  After being on tinidazole they were more well formed and brown and sunk to the bottom of the toilet.  My lyme doctor said the improvement in stool was probably because I had intestinal parasites and the tinidazole was treating them.  Well, apparently I still have some stuff in there that the tinidazole DIDN"T treat.  So this is now definitely on my radar.

I had a metametrix test done a few years back on my stool.  It said that I had a parasiate, taxonomy unavailable and that is was likely an ingested parasite from food.  Well - nope.  They were real parasite in there.

Last summer, I took humaworm for a couple of days before giving up on it. I think because I started my antibiotics too and I was afraid of a reaction between them.  However, I did have some interesting things in my stool at that time.  I had oval shaped eggs all over.  Like rice dotting the stool.  But they were not rice.  They were sort of soft and jelly like.  Anyways.  I have not had those at all this time of doing Humaworm, although I expected to get them.  I am thinking that those were the parasites the Tinidazole must have treated but now the Humaworm is treating more stuff that the Tinidazole didn't get at.  Sheesh.  This is going to be interesting.

Since starting the Humaworm treatment (I think this is my 3rd day of it) I have had some symptoms increase.  They were much like the symptoms I had when I started the A-Bab formula by Byron White for Babesia.  Let me see - Today, I had a feeling like my skull cracking behind my right ear and I am having numbness in my toes.  I woke up and dry heaved several times.  Yesterday - I felt pain in my ears, and a pain under my left rib cage. I also felt pain in my left arm.  I had heart palpatations several times as well which made me feel worried.  I am taking antibiotics so I was hoping that the humaworm was not interacting poorly with the antibiotics but when I felt that aching in my left rib and left arm I realized it was the same symptoms from the A-Bab and so most likely bugs getting hit.  So I took an aspirin to thin my blood.  I don't want any circulation issues and I know left arm signals problems with the heart.  This morning I took some hawthorn and will continue to take that to support my heart as well as I will take some aspirin.  Unfortunately I don't have the 80 mg tablets of aspirin (I just had the 325 mg on hand) so I will go to the store today and get some baby aspirin to help my heart as whatever is going on is affecting it a bit.  Babesia affects the heart and I have tested positive for that so besides the Humaworm treating parasites/worms it is probably hitting the Babesia too so I want to take care of my heart.  I need it!!!! I will post updates to the humaworm treatment in the comments for this post. I am considering adding in 1/4 tsp salt/c now as well because I most certainly do have some parasitic action going on here.

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