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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hallelujah!  I have achieved ONE WHOLE YEAR anxiety free!  Thank you God!!!!  I am absolutely thrilled about this progress.  No doubt there is MORE to go but so far so good!!! 

What is on my mind.  Well a couple of days I had a herx/breakdown.  I got emotional and teary and it wasn't PMS but it is the biggest breakdown I have had in a long time so that is a good sign....especially when the breakdown is really only me getting teary and crying and being weak.  You see, for Christmas I was the host of the Christmas Eve Dinner as well as Christmas Dinner.  Both with different sides of my family.  For the days leading up to it and the day after Christmas I didn't take any of my medicines.  Then I restarted them all the next day (I went for 3 or 4 days without meds).  Well, at the lovely 72 hour point, I got phlegm, nausea, headache, depressed, and then the next day I felt weak, cold and then hot (I actually had my temp go over 99 for the first time since last summer in Australia).  Anyways, I question myself?  Am I just being a hypochondriac and weak from Christmas but the fever clinched it for me because I never barely get over 97 since having Lyme Disease.  Anyways, I was getting ready for my upcoming appointment with my doctor regarding Lyme and treating the next infection on the checklist, Babesia Duncani, and I got REALLY discouraged reading all the message boards.  I just wept.  Feeling like there was no hope.  Truth was, a few people here and there had conquered Babesia Duncani but only a very few that I could find so I was feeling a bit hopeless.  I just broke down and wept - in the middle of the day - and my husband said "you are scaring me".  I know he was afraid that I would randomly go downhill into a depression like I did a couple of years ago.  I learned that always happened when I would start exercising (thus the huge weight gain because I couldn't exercise!!)  I am rambling. 

Anyways, today I was reading the book by Connie Streisham from 10 Lyme Literate Doctors and in Ginger Savely's chapter, she shares that she would have Lyme patients know that they can get a skewed picture of treating Lyme disease because the message boards are filled with people that haven't gotten better, but in her experience of treating patients, they are the 1% (!!!!!),  let me repeat, the 1% of people who dont' get better. In her experience, patients get better.  I read it out loud to my husband and he said 'that is what I have told you" which I know.  It just helped reading it from a Lyme Doctor.

Back to my herxing reaction to restarting the meds after stopping them for 4 days.  So for about 24 hours from the 72 hour point of starting my medication, I felt ill (all of the symptoms which I said above).  I was laying on the couch, not feeling well, ate a couple of rolls to help with my nausea and then a few minutes later, I literally felt my hands go from freezing cold, to warming up and I no longer felt sick.  It just left.  And I felt fine and I could get up and work and do stuff around the house.  I have to say, I have been sleeping very extended amounts of time.  For one, it is Christmas break so I don't have to wake up to get the kids to school.  For two, I restarted the Tinidazole which wipes me out, and three, I am recovering from staying up all night (almost) getting ready for the dinners and wrapping presents.  We literally worked the whole Christmas straight.  So we laid low every day until New Years Eve, on which we hosted family at our house again.  I still don't have friends over (yet).  Right now, I have just focused on having family over because they know my story and I don't have to explain to them all my issues (and I can complain a little about my symptoms and they least my side of the family!) and they understand if I need to lay down and rest.

So that is my story for now!!! 

Lastly.  I have been thinking a lot about my upcoming appointment.  I think I am going to request a Parasite Cleanse (with or without medications but using Humaworm) for a month.  I want to know if this is the cause of my chronic constipation and muscle pain - or if that is the Babesia.  I don't know. I just want to see if I react at all (expel worms, etc.) or reduce the above said symptoms.  That would just check it off if I had no reaction.  Then I could be confident just going after Babesia and Lyme.  In addition to that though, I have never been tested for viruses and I would just like to know if those a part of my symptom picture and if so take herbs to address that.  So that is what I am thinking about and committing to prayer.

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