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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tinidazole - Not Yet!

Well, I added in Tinidazole yesterday and I definately felt anxious and I think it was from the medicine because I had been feeling great and today I didn't take it and I am feeling great again. I am sure that means it is doing it's job and killing the spirochetes that are wreaking havoc on my system but right now I just can't take the side effects. If I wasn't moving, then I would say, "Bring it on" but because I am moving, the stress of that panic feeling has the effect of totally making me useless and unfocused on all the packing and administrative stuff that I need to take care of because we are moving to Australia on December 8th which is 3 weeks sooner than I was planning. I definitely had a near panic moment (after taking the Tinidazole yesterday I will add) as I stared at my house and couldn't even think of where to begin and what to pack. My mind was swimming in the details of...opening an Australian bank account, securing a car loan in Australia, whether I could bring our dvd's and if they are compatible with Australia's players, getting my driver's license renewed so I can apply for an international license, selling my van, cleaning my van to sell, passing the driver's test because I was sick on my birthday week when I was planning to renew it so now I have to take the driving test all over again but the back light is out on my van, cleaning up all the kids messes that they made while I was packing, selling things on craiglist, figuring out when our visas will arrive, looking for a house in Australia, looking for a place to stay there while we are looking for a house and there is so much more but that is off the top of my head. Today? Today I feel so much better. Packed up our second bathroom (except for the absolute essentials), packed up my daughters bedroom and storage closet and went through my medical records so I can make copies of them to include in my luggage in case I get detained at customs. No Tinidazole for me yet. Will have to pass that along to my LLND that I won't be able to start it for a while. Maybe one or two months. Delays are NO fun but I have to be on my game for this move. I can't manage it all and have anxiety. Bummed because I want to move forward quickly but sometimes slow and steady will win the race. So that leaves me primarily still treating a possible bartonella infection which I will be treating for about 5 months and then I will move onto hitting the babesia and lyme with medication once I am settled in Australia. All is well.

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