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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pretty Sure it was a Herx

Well, I wrote that I added in Artemesinin on Friday of last week but I actually didn't add it in until Saturday.  I was intending to add it in but never got around to it on Friday so Saturday it was.  So today is Saturday so I have completed 8 days of Artemesinin and tomorrow I am going to add in Green Dragon Botanicals LB Core Protocol which are capsules which contain Japanese Knotweed, Adrographis, Cats Claw as well as Smilax and Dandelion.  These herbs are in accordance with the writing and resarch of Stephan Buhner and his Lyme Protocol.  I am already taking some Andrographis and Cat's Claw in my Lyme Support drops as well as Smilax drops as well.  The last time I took Japanese Knotweed I had insomnia from it big time.  But I have read that it may have been that particular brand of Japanese Knotweed which causes it so I am going to give it a go once again.

So my post title "Pretty Sure it was a Herx" is in reference to the massive nervous feelings and anxiety I had a few days back.  Tuesday to be specific.  Interestingly enough, this was 72 hours after I added in the Artemesinin and in reading Stephan Buhner's book on herbs, he mentions that Artemesinin may have anti-spirochetal properties in addition to it's anti-babesia properties.  This could explain why my symptoms reached fever pitch at the 72 hour mark which would be the type that the Lyme bacteria would be lysed as they don't get killed until 72 hours into treatment.  I had muscle aches, brain fog, word retrieval issues, nervousness that all came around that time - oh and a terrible, terrible, terrible headache.  But the worst for me is the nervousness.  It feels like you are preparing to speak in front of 1000 people but you are not at all.  In fact there is no reason on earth why you would feel nervous, and your day has been great, and then all of a sudden you feel it.  Oh, do I hate, HATE that feeling.  Anyways, haven't had anxiety since Tuesday so I am pretty sure that was a Herx reaction.  So thankful I don't have that feeling. Phew!

Lastly, I am excited to start Buhner's herbs.  I am starting at the lowest dose and I will ramp up slowly.  I am hoping I don't have insomnia all night from the Japanese Knotweed.  Not that that would be bad because it would be probobly killing the spirochetes but I am still hoping I don't have that reaction.  Ciao for now :-)!

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