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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ilads Conference - Free Streaming Video Tomorrow & Next Day!

Here is the link:

I am looking forward to it! I will be moving some stuff into a storage unit tomorrow but I am going to try to schedule my move around the conference. Enjoy!


  1. Question -- may I ask how you were finally diagnosed? What blood tests? And a spinal tap? I've been suffering from a lot of the symptoms you describe but don't know if simple bloodwork is enough.

  2. Hi Rachel - I was diagnosed through a doctor I saw for weight issues and as I told her my story she asked if I had ever been tested for Lume Disease - I said no so she gave me the lab kit to have it tendered through Igenex labs. When the results came back - I was shocked that they were positive - both CDC and Igenex positive. The doctor said I was one of the most positive she had seen. Unbeknownst to me. my doctor, Dr. Nicola McFadzaen, was a Lyme disease specialist! Anyways, a new book have hers has recently come out - The Beginners Guide to Lyme Disease. The forward is written by Dr. Burrascano MD who is considered the foremost Lyme Doctor in the Ubited States although he has retired from practice
