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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Doctor doesn't want me anymore...but...

I have been doing a 5htp and tyrosine spray clinical trial with my doctor. It has helped me a ton. Every 2 weeks (actually it is usually every month to two :-)), I go in and give a urine sample. Serotonin, epinephrine and nor-epinephrine levels are all tested and we dose the number of sprays of 5htp and tyrosine off those test results. Because he is in-network it costs me only $5 to see him and then $5 for the test that is about a $300 test normally. But he doesn't want me because I am doing herbs and he thinks they are messing up the tests. They actually haven't changed the urine at all but he does an additional orthostasis test where he monitors my blood pressure sitting down, then after lying down for 10 minutes in a dim room, then standing up in a lighted room after the lying down. He does some calculations off that but I took reservatrol last night (2 capsules of source naturals) and I think it gave me insomnia. I was really restless/tingly in my joints as well (and I think it is Lyme die-off but he informed me that is "speculation"). Anyways, his company that does the neurotransmitter testing also does a cytokine testing that he uses to test for Lyme. He said that he didn't get into Lyme for years because of the controversy but he now treats his patients with minocycline and "no" it doesn't interfere with the neurotransmitter testing. It's quite obvious that we are not reading the same material nor or on the same page with this because minocycline would not touch the Lyme according to what I have read from Burrascano and other lyme literate physicians. He said that we should reduce our office visits. I guess I just need to understand what I have come to understand. Every doctor has their boundaries and their limits. Some are more open than others and this particular doctor has his limits. I know in my heart he wants to be my primary doctor and treat the lyme and he doesn't want to work with some naturopath who is giving me herbs that he doesn't know anything about, nor does he trust and my pulse is he thinks she must be some flake because I do phone appointments and said "herbs come from China and they have all sorts of contaminants". I informed him that my naturopath graduated from Bastyr University and she only gives out high-quality supplements but you know - Doctors - in my experience have their minds set and I mean SET, set, SET! So here is where I am at. I really didn't want to do the herbs in the first place with my naturopath but only did them to appease her. I really just wanted to get started on the antibiotics. If I don't take the herbs anymore and just do the antibiotics with her, my stubborn doctor may continue to treat me as I am not doing herbs. But, the herbs seem to be helping with restlessness. I am now able to sit down and do little projects, read books with my kids without always feeling the need to get up. But there is a downside and I am not sure what these are from. I have several age spots on my hands as of late. Yes, I live in Texas and yes I spend time in the sun but these have appeared the month I started doing the herbs so I am inclined to think that they ARE the herbs. I have also added a milk thistle/dandelion liver cleansing pill to my nightly vitamin regimen as well as added L-carnitine to my daily repetoire (to help shuttle fat into my mitochondria and use it to make energy as I was depleted in carnitine via testing that I had done). The outcome - well, I think he still may not want to treat me because I will be doing antibiotics with my naturopath because I am 100% behind her methods and my other doc is obviously not LLMD educated with his minocycline routine (and he has a bio-film buster). He wouldn't even listen to me when I tried to explain to him that the herbs she uses are most likely NOT unregulated. Oh well. Another twist, he forgets everything all the time and references his notes so if he didn't write down that I am taking herbs he may have forgotten and they may have stabilized in my system by the time I go back in for the urine and orthostasis test and he won't remember. That would be great! So I kinda wouldn't mind dropping the herbs because of these age (liver) spots on my hands (just a couple 1/4 inch light brown ovals that have appeared) but at the same time it feels great to have that restless feeling gone whatever it is from. And the more I read from Stephen Buhner's book on Healing Lyme, the more I am inclined to try herbs (but maybe after a year on antibiotics?...I don't know). I need to pray and need to trust God. The good news? When he told me he wanted to see me less because of the herbs, I said "so you want to see me monthly then?" and he said yes. Hah! They wanted me to go in every 2 weeks but because I have mostly got this 5htp/Tyrosine routine down, I manage to go in every month so I will just be continuing more of the same! We'll see if I get by like this. That is where I am at right now. Emotionally, when he began to say he didn't want to treat me because of the herbs, I could feel that adrenaline fight-or-flight response kick in...a pang of anxiety in my stomach, then when I got home, the desire to just shove food in my mouth because I feel stress. I think it may be God's grace that I asked him to go in every month and he agreed to it. In any given situation, I might have entered into a conflict with him, and I am glad that I didn't. He is a doctor that doesn't want you to tell him anything knew, thinks he knows it all but at the same time I believe God allowed me to go to him because he has played an important part in my recovery. I receive virtually free neurotransmitter testing from him, feedback on my supplements and what is working and I was able to get off the lithium and transition to just 5-htp and tyrosine and be anxiety and depression free! And another great thing - I am really low in those things naturally so it makes sense that they would make me feel better! I had my blood tested for amino acid levels and I was really low in tryptophan (of which 5-htp is made from) and phenylalanine (which tyrosine is made from). So I give you thanks God for this in my life! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

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