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Friday, August 19, 2011


I wish I was fit. That is all. But now I know that I have Lyme, I know what I am fighting and hopefully I will get fitter faster. Less calories, raw food, minimal protein and exercise every other day. If I had a few wishes #1 would be to be 130 pounds, wish #2 would be that my family would be healthy and #3 that we would all be social (as my life has led us to be much more reclusive than we ever were before). I just want to be surrounded by friends and good times and family but also have time to our family. It was once that way, before my health took a turn for the terrible. That's all. What I am doing? I am drinking the lemon water in the morning and through out the day and I am steadily making changes. It just takes time to figure out what works and to implement those changes. I don't really think I am loosing much weight. I am taking 5 (mcg?) of t-3. A really small dose. My naturopath didn't think I needed it based on my labs but I requested it so she gave me a tiny dose. My morning temp was low and even when I had strep throat with chills and aches and fatigue, my temp was not able to rise. Dr. Klinghardt mentioned the use of t-3 in Lyme but my TSH is fairly low so not necessarily indicative of thyroid but I wanted to give it a try just to see. Not sure if it is helping at all. I think I even might feel a slight headache from it but I am not sure if it is that or something else. I am still working my way through the Gerson Therapy book. It is a very stringent diet (no animal protein, no salt, no sugar, no nuts). I hope that this way of eating cuts through the insulin resistance. You know what, I was just looking through my labs and saw that for the first time in my life I had elevated hdl and ldl cholesterol. I have NEVER had elevated cholesterol! That was a surprise because my doctor never said a thing to me. Anyway, hopefully this diet will help with that as well. What a disaster Lyme is. It is an exhausting, time-consuming journey. But I have come so far, what is left is killing the lyme, losing all the extra weight I've gained, exercise, and removing the PMS and it would be great if my hair would go back to it's beautiful straight self (instead of this curly mess it became from the Lyme...what the heck?!)

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