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Monday, August 15, 2011

Lyme Treatment Update

So three days into the teasel & Lyme support formula, I had nausea where I kept a bowl by me feeling like I was going to throw up. I had a stunning headache as well and was just plain weak. I wasn't necessarily super fatigued but just weak. Weak as in when I spoke, I spoke very quietly and when people were loud it felt way too loud. But that passed. It has been 2 days and I added Dr. Zhang's HH2 capsules as prescribed by my naturopathic doctor. She wants to see how I respond to the herbals (which target lyme and co-infections differently) and that will give her a good guestimate of how I will respond to the antibiotics. As is, I am going to do the HH2 and hopefully will be able to tell a reaction from that but right now I don't feel a thing. I am taking 1 capsule, 3x a day. After that I am to add in Artemesian because my IGeneX co-infections lab came back positive for Babesia duncani. Great. I just read that it is the hardest to treat from a Lyme doc. That was something I didn't think I had. I have all the classic and unfortunate symptoms of a BLO (bartonella like organism) co-infection but it didn't come back positive for that. I would have never known about the babesia. My friend has that and she has air hunger and palpitations but I never get those so I just didn't think it was possible. On that note, I just didn't think Lyme was possible in my case. Just because I never had a tick bite and the people I knew who had had Lyme disease had all been in the hospital and on death's door.

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