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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Raging Candida

Well, after adding in the Rifampin a couple of days ago what I have now is a raging yeast/candida infection. Ugh. I am going to go to urgent care tomorrow and request some diflucan or nystatin. Whatever works for this. It has been hard to re-adjust diet now that I am adding in the antibiotics because you have to take them at certain times away from other foods and other supplements or whatnot and it gets very complicated. The only simple carb I had today was about 15 potato chips. I know, not good. But it is better than yesterday. I have felt extremely fatigued, lonely and light depressed feeling manifesting in the form of discouragment but I am thinking it is the yeast infection. I am actually allergic to yeast and so I think my body is not liking this. I have noticed the past few days when I have tried to swallow my vitamins and antibiotics my throat has been tighter so I am thinking that is caused by the yeast too. Why? Because when I eat bread my throat gets tight as well so I think the yeast in my body is tightening my throat. I also have like this sweet flavored phlegm that I am coughing up. Disgusting and too much information. It helps me to write it out here so that I will know in the future what my symptoms are and what they can be attributed to but I know these type of body things are super disgusting. I should also note that the yeast infection began a couple of days after beginning Doxycycline but after adding the Rifampin has quadrupled. Anyways, I feel discouraged I have such a bad yeast infection just a week and a half into the doxy and 4 days into the Rifampin. My stomach feels tender too and I have had gas as well which I believe is the yeast. Still thinking I may not have Bartonella because I don't seem to have much of an increase in anxiety. We shall see. From what I can tell, the Lyme is what is giving me the anxiety because I felt anxious pretty strong there on my fourth week of herbs. I would be grateful if I didn't have bartonella. But I am not grateful about the Babesia Duncani! Especially when others say it is the most difficult to get rid of. Well isn't that great! Here's to hoping I get rid of it!

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