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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Today I'm tired

So, today I am tired, and unmotivated. Ugh. Also seven days before the cycle begins. However, I feel much more fatigued this month so there is a definite link to the naturopathic herbs that I have started and been doing for a month now. My house is a mess. Didn't take the kids to karate today because we have had something every night this week after school and I mean every so I decided to let them rest and me rest and not go to the 9:30-10:30 class. They were overjoyed because it means more game time for them. They wake up and play video games until we tell them "no more" which was today at 5pm. Bad I know but they don't play any video games during the week and look forward to Friday and Saturday to play games although I am thinking that it would be better if they did 40 minutes of reading/math/spelling and then they would get 20 minutes game time (and maybe throw so clean up time in there too). And then take away Saturday morning gaming until they did clean-up of toys then they could do it Saturday afternoon. That way they wouldn't complain when I make them stop playing games to go to karate. I know that has nothing to do with lyme but as I sit here staring at the mess of children's toys and dishes that are piling up everywhere, it is what I am thinking about. I sure hope this fatigue gets better because I'm not liking it!!!

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