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Sunday, September 4, 2011


My daughter just told me her back hurts. Ok. Fine. That's no big deal right. Well, in light of what I know about Lyme I am a little scared. Why? We were in Yellowstone National Park and we were looking at a huge bull moose down a little path at the end of July of this year (2011). Well, there were more mosquitos there than I ever have seen and I think we all got a little bit but my daughter got a major bite that was swollen for a long time. But there was no bull's eye rash but it was like 1 and 1/2 inches in diameter and covered spanned her whole little left arm. I didn't like it. Since that point she has been more irritable. When we were at the mall walking around she plugged her ears because she didn't like the noise of all the people who were back to school shopping. It was "too loud". Then a few weeks ago she had this bubble on her left ankle filled with 6 white postules. It was really weird. Before that she had a huge pimple like thing on her face. Now I know I am starting to sound like a hypochondriac because in and of itself all of these things could be nothing. The thing is...the pimple was like over a month ago and she still has a purple mark on her face. And now she has another bubble on her right arm, but this one doesn't have any white dots on it. And the other bubble on her is still there after 3 or more weeks. And now she just told me her back hurts. So I am scared. Could this be Lyme or some mosquito born disease. It has been about 30 days from that trip into Yellowstone. Oh and it addition, her cheeks have been really pink the past few days (unrelated to heat).

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